It's been 16 years since I've been to Miami. That beach would DEFINITELY do right now.
Basically, I need a beach. Any beach will do. I just want to lay in the sun [work on my tan], drink margaritas, and waste the day away. Is that too much to ask for?
Now, who knows someone that I can stay with in Miami? Pretty sure I can get myself there, and I'm basically surviving off of very little food at this point in my almost-vegan diet. Seriously, who can I stay with. I need this....stat! Also, who would like to join. I'd love some company!
So, it's been two days since I've had meat. The last time was when I had shrimp at the Indian restaurant on Tuesday. I know it's not that long, but I'm feelin' good!
Seriously, who owns a beach house or someplace within walking distance from a beach...and is willing to let me stay there?
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