Thursday, February 24, 2011

T Minus 4 Days

I will officially be a vegan in 4 days (March 1). I'm really excited and have already been trying some vegan meals. Yesterday for lunch I had a Simply Asian rice noodle bowl that was delicious! For dinner I finished off that couscous with tomato lentil that I made on Tuesday. This morning, I had Shredded Wheat with soy milk. I'm not gonna lie, I kinda like the soy milk. For lunch I will have another Simply Asian meal (and for lunch tomorrow).

But for dinner? For dinner I will be enjoying a BK Big Fish sandwich from Burker King. I had the meal (#12) the other day, but I was in such a hurry that I didn't get to enjoy it. On Monday I am planning on going to El Chubasco to enjoy their fish tacos one last time...and while I'm there I might as well scope out their vegetarian options since I go there like once a week for lunch!

This weekend, I might need to order a vegetarian pizza. I had one last weekend and it was DELICIOUS, but since I won't be able to order out pizza it might be good to start with that. Davanza's has a veggie pizza that looks quite delish, but I'll need to add artichoke hearts. Love 'em! Or maybe even their margharita pizza. I love margharita pizzas!

I've been doing a ton of research on vegan foods. I'm really nervous to search through the ingredients on everything to make sure I can eat it. Hopefully I'll know what I'm doing within a few weeks and not have to worry about it.

After researching, I found out that there are tofu dogs, sausages, and even beer brats!! Can you believe it? One of my favorite things to eat is Johnsonville Beer Brats, so I am so happy to see that those will be an option still. And in the summer when I do a ton of grilling I can toss on a couple of tofu dogs. My cousin told me that there's a company that makes flavored tofu sausages. I was ecstatic to hear that! What great news!

4 days of fish, cheese, milk, yogurt, cream cheese, sour cream, eggs, butter....I better hit up IHOP one last time...


Kali said...

You're so inspiring Chelsea!

I've been off meat since Jan 3rd and it's been amazing. But I have yet to go down to full blown Vegan. Where are you getting your yummy recipes? I feel like if I am inspired, then I won't eat my standard bean and cheese burrito.

Good Luck!


Chelsea said...

I'm going to start with the recipes from The Kind Diet. I'm planning on getting the Veganist cookbook and probably another one just to have some more options. I heard that Skinny Bitch is awesome! My cousin (who's vegan) suggested Vegan Express by Nava Atlas. There's also an entire section of vegan recipes on the Whole Foods website. I'll let you know if I find more!

Chelsea said...

And by the way, you're the one who inspired me to start this adventure. So thanks!!