Tuesday, February 15, 2011

First Vegan Snack -- and Lunch

Today I had my first vegan snack. I checked the ingredients, and right there on the package it says "Dairy Free". It was even gluten and wheat free, which is always an extra step to healthy!

My local grocery store was having a deal on these snack bars that I've been wanting to try. I picked one up and, wouldnt'cha know, it says everything you need to know right there on the front of the package, so you know exactly what you're eating.

Kind Healthy Snacks are pretty great, and they served as my lunch today! I tried the Mango Macadamia + Calcium bar today, along with another one that I can't think of.

Not all of these bars are vegan, so you just have to read the label and make sure it says "Dairy Free". I ended up buying three of them, one of which I gave to my mother because it wasn't "Dairy Free".

I had two of these for lunch about 3 hours ago. I normally would be hungry by this point in the day, but I'm actually holding over nicely.

Isn't it kind of precious that this company and Alicia's diet are both called Kind? They both really are kind...to my body! SNAP!

Anyway, I feel like I might blog too much. I hope some of this is getting to someone who enjoys reading it! A good day to you, sir or madame.

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