Oprah's website has a ton of really awesome information. She has FAQ's, which include a lot of information on where you will get your iron and calcium and protein without having to eat meat.
I recently ordered the Vegan Starter Kit from PETA, but it takes up to six weeks to get in the mail. Oprah has her own Vegan Starter Kit, which is online and has everything you would need to become a vegan. I haven't officially started on the complete vegan diet yet, but I have been thinking a lot about what I will be able to eat and what will be good products to buy at the grocery store. Oprah has a full grocery list, exactly what I was looking for! She also has a really cool page that gives you ideas on how to make your regular meat-filled meal into a vegan replica.
Instead of spaghetti with meatballs,
Try spaghetti with veggie meatballs (found in the grocer's freezer)
My cousin is vegan and when she came out to visit over the summer, she cooked us something very close to this speghetti with meatballs concoction. She used tofurkey instead of veggie meatballs, and I surprisingly found the tofurkey really delicious.

Oprah also has the author of a vegan cookbook, Kathy Freston of Veganist come on the show and cooks with a family. All of the videos are on the website. It's really interesting to see how easy it is to cook these meals. It takes just as long to prepare and go through the actual cooking as it would a regular carnivorous meal.
As great as it was to discover this website, I made another mistake. I watched the video where one of Oprah's staff members goes to a slaughterhouse. They couldn't film the actual slaughter, but they filmed the skinning of the cows. That's when I realized how hard I was crying at my desk at work and had to leave to wipe away my tears in the bathroom. I didn't finish the video.
The best video I watched was called Good Food. My words can't do it justice, so watch the video here.
Props to Oprah!
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