Thursday, February 24, 2011
T Minus 4 Days
But for dinner? For dinner I will be enjoying a BK Big Fish sandwich from Burker King. I had the meal (#12) the other day, but I was in such a hurry that I didn't get to enjoy it. On Monday I am planning on going to El Chubasco to enjoy their fish tacos one last time...and while I'm there I might as well scope out their vegetarian options since I go there like once a week for lunch!
This weekend, I might need to order a vegetarian pizza. I had one last weekend and it was DELICIOUS, but since I won't be able to order out pizza it might be good to start with that. Davanza's has a veggie pizza that looks quite delish, but I'll need to add artichoke hearts. Love 'em! Or maybe even their margharita pizza. I love margharita pizzas!
I've been doing a ton of research on vegan foods. I'm really nervous to search through the ingredients on everything to make sure I can eat it. Hopefully I'll know what I'm doing within a few weeks and not have to worry about it.
After researching, I found out that there are tofu dogs, sausages, and even beer brats!! Can you believe it? One of my favorite things to eat is Johnsonville Beer Brats, so I am so happy to see that those will be an option still. And in the summer when I do a ton of grilling I can toss on a couple of tofu dogs. My cousin told me that there's a company that makes flavored tofu sausages. I was ecstatic to hear that! What great news!
4 days of fish, cheese, milk, yogurt, cream cheese, sour cream, eggs, butter....I better hit up IHOP one last time...
Monday, February 21, 2011
Tomato Lentil Couscous
I thought I was doing good on the vegan side of things, but realized that this kind of couscous isn't the most healthy. I need the whole grain...I think. The flavored kind are just SO good. I need to do more research. I know Near East has wheat couscous. Roasted Garlic & Olive Oil? OK!
I always forget about the recipes on the back of the box/bag. There's a reason why they're on there...because they're amazing! I'll have to take a picture of my dinner last night (sans salmon) because the image alone will make your mouth water!
Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's been 16 years since I've been to Miami. That beach would DEFINITELY do right now.
Basically, I need a beach. Any beach will do. I just want to lay in the sun [work on my tan], drink margaritas, and waste the day away. Is that too much to ask for?
Now, who knows someone that I can stay with in Miami? Pretty sure I can get myself there, and I'm basically surviving off of very little food at this point in my almost-vegan diet. Seriously, who can I stay with. I need this....stat! Also, who would like to join. I'd love some company!
So, it's been two days since I've had meat. The last time was when I had shrimp at the Indian restaurant on Tuesday. I know it's not that long, but I'm feelin' good!
Seriously, who owns a beach house or someplace within walking distance from a beach...and is willing to let me stay there?
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
First Vegan Snack -- and Lunch
My local grocery store was having a deal on these snack bars that I've been wanting to try. I picked one up and, wouldnt'cha know, it says everything you need to know right there on the front of the package, so you know exactly what you're eating.
Kind Healthy Snacks are pretty great, and they served as my lunch today! I tried the Mango Macadamia + Calcium bar today, along with another one that I can't think of.
Not all of these bars are vegan, so you just have to read the label and make sure it says "Dairy Free". I ended up buying three of them, one of which I gave to my mother because it wasn't "Dairy Free".
I had two of these for lunch about 3 hours ago. I normally would be hungry by this point in the day, but I'm actually holding over nicely.
Isn't it kind of precious that this company and Alicia's diet are both called Kind? They both really are my body! SNAP!
Anyway, I feel like I might blog too much. I hope some of this is getting to someone who enjoys reading it! A good day to you, sir or madame.
Journey to Veganism: February, Part II

Vegetable Coconut Curry - Mixed vegetable with onion, tomatoes, coconut milk & spices.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Decision Complete
Feb. 15: No birds, only fish
March 1: Completely Vegan
I had the worst headache in the history of headaches yesterday and all I could think of was how this may not have happened if I were already on my vegan diet. I have read so much about how amazing you feel on this diet, much more energy, diseases literally disappearing, I can't think of a better time to start this than now.
For the last month and a half, I have been doing really well on the giving up of the meat. I don't think it's going to be an issue when it's all gone. I have so much confidence in myself and my overall committment to this diet that I am so excited to commit to it entirely.
I'm still kind of confused on what I am able to eat, but I'm hoping that by the time I'm done reading The Kind Diet, I will have a better idea of what I need to know. Last summer I started to get really into cooking and it took me awhile to understand what exactly is needed to cook delicious meals. I think that's how things will go with being vegan. It will only take a few weeks for me to be able to go to the store without a list of things I'm able to eat, because hopefully by then I will know. I'm a fast learner, so I think it will all work out.
On a side note, something really exciting is happening today and I can't go into details until everything is final. Hopefully I will have more info by the end of the day, but things may not go into motion for a few more months. Fingers crossed!!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Anxiety Ensues
Feb 15: No more birds
April 1: No more Fish
April 15: Taxes due...and no more dairy
I have five days to figure this out. I have been researching like a madwoman and finding all the information I will need to live this vegan lifestyle. Just to reiterate, I'm only doing the diet portion of the vegan lifestyle, not the clothing and whatnot (for now anyway).
I found some really great websites that have some delicious recipes. I went to research Whole Foods for brands that would be doable, and then I stumbled upon an entire recipe section dedicated to vegan diets. JACKPOT! Also, Alicia Silverstone's blog has a recipe section where Alicia posts and her followers can post, too. I will also use The Kind Diet recipes, and I'll probably eventually buy Veganist.
Then, later this afternoon, I emailed my vegan cousin for links on information so I can learn more. She sent me tons of info! She filled me in on a few interesting factoids:
First, many people think that vegans don't receive the necessary amount of protein needed in your daily diet. False. However, a new study is actually showing that Americans eat too much protein. The New York Times wrote:
"The more protein people consume beyond the body’s true needs, the more acidic their blood can become and the more alkaline compounds are needed to neutralize the acid."
Secondly, soy may be linked to thyroid problems. My cousin said not to go overboard with the soy and I should be ok.
Ooh, another thing she mentioned was to use Almond Milk when going for taste, such as on cereal. Soy Milk is best used in baking and cooking.
I have been having a really random thought. What will I feed my guests at my wedding? Will I have only vegan options, or will I allow my guests to choose what they really want to eat? I don't know why I think about this stuff...'cause I'm not engaged or anything....nor am I even dating anyone...
Also, I'm eating some really old oatmeal that I found in the cupboard in the cafe. It doesn't taste too good, but guess who's eating it anyway? I have to have something for dinner, right?
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Can We Please Discuss....
Your thoughts?
Monday, February 7, 2011
Test #1
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Oprah's website has a ton of really awesome information. She has FAQ's, which include a lot of information on where you will get your iron and calcium and protein without having to eat meat.
I recently ordered the Vegan Starter Kit from PETA, but it takes up to six weeks to get in the mail. Oprah has her own Vegan Starter Kit, which is online and has everything you would need to become a vegan. I haven't officially started on the complete vegan diet yet, but I have been thinking a lot about what I will be able to eat and what will be good products to buy at the grocery store. Oprah has a full grocery list, exactly what I was looking for! She also has a really cool page that gives you ideas on how to make your regular meat-filled meal into a vegan replica.
Instead of spaghetti with meatballs,
Try spaghetti with veggie meatballs (found in the grocer's freezer)
My cousin is vegan and when she came out to visit over the summer, she cooked us something very close to this speghetti with meatballs concoction. She used tofurkey instead of veggie meatballs, and I surprisingly found the tofurkey really delicious.

Oprah also has the author of a vegan cookbook, Kathy Freston of Veganist come on the show and cooks with a family. All of the videos are on the website. It's really interesting to see how easy it is to cook these meals. It takes just as long to prepare and go through the actual cooking as it would a regular carnivorous meal.
As great as it was to discover this website, I made another mistake. I watched the video where one of Oprah's staff members goes to a slaughterhouse. They couldn't film the actual slaughter, but they filmed the skinning of the cows. That's when I realized how hard I was crying at my desk at work and had to leave to wipe away my tears in the bathroom. I didn't finish the video.
The best video I watched was called Good Food. My words can't do it justice, so watch the video here.
Props to Oprah!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Journey to Veganism: February

About a week ago, I considered speeding up this whole process. I want to start feeling the differences in my health. But I know that I will be a vegetarian in no time. Here's my schedule:
January: Cows -- Check!
February: Pigs -- Check!
March: Birds
April: Fish
It's interesting thinking about all of the different ways these animals make meat. Cows can make a steak, hamburger, jerkey, meatballs. Pigs can make sausage, bacon, hotdogs, ham. Birds give you chicken, turkey, duck. And fish, one of my favorite meats, halibut, salmon, orange roughy, northern, musky, crab, lobster, clams, crayfish, scallops.
I remember reading recently (probably from The Kind Diet) about how Thanksgiving isn't even about giving thanks to those around us, or for our health. It's for indulging in this ridiculously large meal full of unhealthy foods and a main dish of a gigantic turkey. And if you're like my family, we also have honey baked ham. Seriously, what do you think of when the word Thanksgiving comes to mind? Is it food? It is for me, which is why it is one of my favorite holidays.
It's just interesting how Americans view food. It's what I'm going to be doing during the Super Bowl on Sunday. I'll eat cheese and crackers, chips and dip and salsa, and anything else anyone puts in front of me (except for cows and piggies -- no little weinies for this gal!).
Whelp, that's it for today. Journey to Veganism, Part II, commence!