Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
So, my parentals decided to remodel the house. Not entirely, mostly in the kitchen. So, we have green carpet. It's a forest green, but still. Who buys green carpet? My parents do! Anyway, they decided to put in hardwood floors throughout the entire upstairs, then remodel the entire kitchen. I'm pretty excited about the whole process because I've been helping my mom choose all of the details. From the type of wood and color for the floors, to the color of the cabinets in the kitchen, even down to the detailing of the knobs on the cabinet doors and drawers.
Right now, our kitchen is completely gutted. The hardwood floors are being brought up from SLC today, then they need to "adjust to the climate" for five days. They'll start the installation on Monday. Packing the entire house has been a HUGE pain in the ass, but it's all worth it!
On a side note, something really exciting is happening this weekend, but I can't discuss it on public websites, so you'll just have to wait until next week to hear about this awesome and amazing adventure...if I remember to write about it. I really gotta get back into this bloggin thing!
On another side note, I'm screwed on my one book a week resolution. It's not gonna happen. I'm way too far behind. It looks like I'll end up with 47 or 48 books for the year, four or five short of the goal. And you know what, I'm ok with that. I have made an amazing effort, and I'm happy with the results.

And my final side not is this. The Dexter Season 5 finale is on Sunday!! WOO WOO! Who has loved watching me play Lumen every week? I sure have! Yes, I am constantly compared to Julie Stiles. I guess we look alike or something...
Go Dexter!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
It's Official
I think I did a really great job, considering what I was coming from last year. I hated reading and maybe read one or two books a year. This year, I am proud to say that I have read 45 books, and the year isn't quite over. To make my goal of 52 books in 52 weeks, I would have to read seven more books. Actually, after looking at my calendar, I think I could do it!
I take all of the above back. I don't know what happened. Did I miscalculate? I was never good at math...
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
New Adventures of Old Chelsea

Friday, October 22, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
The future is mine to mold

Lately, I've been feeling more eager to get to know people and understand where they come from and where they've been. I guess it's because I'm anxious to go someplace and find out who I am. I don't think I really know that yet. I'm already 25 and I don't know who I am? I think I have a pretty good grasp, but maybe I need something more. As I have written about numerous times on this blog, I need culture and travel and change. It will only make me a better person.

Monday, October 11, 2010
Addition to Actor's List
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
After thinking about how cute this would look on, I glanced over at the price, thinking that this thin piece of fabric couldn't be too pricey. Here's what I found:
Yes, you are reading it correctly. $275. For a t-shirt. Two-hundred and seventy-five dollars..
So, I shall be searching elsewhere.
A lot of the websites where I look for fashion tips have areas where you can "get the look for less". When they say "less" they mean over $100. Why are clothes so expensive? How am I supposed to keep up with fashion if I can't afford to buy anything fashionable?
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
New Job
Step one to paying of my credit cards: Complete!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
What a week! And it's only Tuesday!
Oh, and did I mention I get free 30 minute massages anytime I want? Yeah! True!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
After watching all of these incredible shows, I decided to create a list of my favorite actors and actresses. Here are my lists as they stand right now (in no particular order):
While I'm at it, I might as well tell you my top 10 favorite movies of all time (after #1, no particular order):
1. The Goonies / Stand By Me
2. Almost Famous
3. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
4. Dumb and Dumber
5. Psycho (1960)
6. American History X
7. Commando
8. Drop Dead Gorgeous
9. The Planet of the Apes (1968)
10. Gladiator
Monday, September 13, 2010
Resolution Finale
So far, in the year 2010, I have read 36 books, which means there are only 16 weeks left in the year and I only have 16 books left to read. I have more than 16 books that I want to read, so I have to make a list of the most important ones. Here's the list:
- The Girl Who Played with Fire (Millennium #2), by Stieg Larsson
- The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest (Millennium #3), by Stieg Larsson
- Catching Fire (Hunger Games #2), by Suzanne Collins
- Mockingjay (Hunger Games #3), by Suzanne Collings
- The Help, by Kathryn Stockett
- The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho
- Atonement, by Ian McEwan
- Middlesex, by Jeffrey Eugenides
- Desperation, by Stephen King
- Everything's Eventual, by Stephen King
- The Poisonwood Bible, by Barbara Kingsolver
- Confessions of a Shopaholic, by Sophie Kinsella
- The Devil in the White City, by Erik Larson
- Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim, by David Sedaris
- The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, by Mary Ann Shaffer
#16, I can't decide. I have a decent selection of books at home, but I just don't know what to end the year with. I've thought about ending with The Pillars of the Earth, by Ken Follett, but I'm not entirely sure. I started that book about two years ago and only got about 50 pages in before giving up. Other options are:
- The Last American Man, by Elizabeth Gilbert (loved her writing in Eat, Pray, Love)
- Deception Point, by Dan Brown
- Digital Fortress, by Dan Brown
- Icy Sparks, by Gwyn Rubio
- The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, by J.R.R. Tolkien
- The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexandre Dumas
- The Horse Whisperer, by Nicholas Evans
- Eragon, by Christopher Paulini
...just to name a few.
I'm also willing to purchase a book, since I have a ton on my list anyway, all of which can be viewed on my Goodreads account. Any suggestions?
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Happy 9/02/10 Day!

Yes, it's true, the date is September 2, 2010...9/02/10. What a clever way to remember one of my favorite shows growing up, Beverly Hills 90210!
Apparently we should be celebrating by wearing our favorite character's clothes, but not sure how I'd go about getting those. And my favorite character was Dillon, so that would be awkward.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Pumpkin Spice Latte

Is anyone else ridiculously excited for Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte??
I honestly think that this might be my favorite thing about fall. I also enjoy the Gingerbread Latte. I just love anything with coffee in it.
I have been trying to drink more tea though...just because coffee stains your teeth. Plus, green tea is supposed to boost your metabolism!...so says Fitness Magazine.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
BB King, Al Green, and Buddy Guy

This is probably one of the best pictures of the night. Buddy Guy in the sea of white. Only in Utah.
By the time Buddy got back to stage everyone was on their feet!
Next up: The Reverand Al Green!

Al's performance was amazing. He had backup singers and dancers. He played most of his famous songs, and what a great performer! He had everyone on their feet dancing!
Finally, at the end of the night, BB King!
BB is 84 years old and still touring around the world. He was wheeled up on the stage to a standing ovation and loud cheering. He sat down in his chair and strapped Lucille around his shoulders.
BB did a lot of talking and not a whole lot of singing, but when he played Lucille it sent chills down my spine. At 84 years old, BB King still has it!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Back to Work
Over my break I went up to Boise to visit my good friends, Amy and Emily. We had such a great time! We went out to the Basque Festival. Every four years, the Basques hold a special festival called Jaialdi. The streets are filled with people having a great time with food, drinks, and dancing.
We also went tubing down the Boise River. Amy and I were in a 4-man raft with two other girls. We almost made it all the way down the river without flipping it over, but nope! We flipped it. Amy was nervouse because several people die each year on that river. All I could think was "Save the shoes!" We made it safely back into the raft and down the river.
After that, we went to a diner that was featured on Man vs. Food called Rockie's Diner. Amy and Emily's husbands, Bob and Michael, were going to do the challenge, but decided that they wanted to work up to it. They basically did half the challenge, which is basically a couple of pounds of hamburger meat, chili, hotdogs, and everything that goes on a burger. The challenge is double that meal, plus chili cheese fries, plus a milk shake.
Watch the Man vs. Wild episode here to see what this Rockies Diner challenge looks like:
We sat at the same table that Adam Richman sat at. I don't know how. Maybe it was because we had a baby that needed a high chair?
On Sunday, Amy, Bob, and I went to see Eclipse...no big deal. These films are getting so much better. Twilight was horrible. New Moon was slighly boring. Eclipse is finally exciting, and not awkward acting, which is a huge step up from Twilight. That evening I was able to be a part of Sunday Night Dinner at the Alvord household. I felt so special! I always know I'm going to eat well when I'm with the Alvords!
Monday was a day of relaxing while everyone was at work. I flew home that evening.
And then I had two weeks off of work. Guess what I did? NOTHING! I had a movie marathon and watched 20+ movies. I slept in every day and took mid-afternoon naps. It was exactly what I needed.
So, back at work and still haven't uploaded my pictures from Boise. That will be on my to do list for this weekend. Check back for pics!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Amy Alvord Shaw and Emily Alvord LaRacco. My sistas from anotha mista. Is that a real saying? Maybe I just made it up.
Olivia was born in November 2009, but Amy had to go and get married in October, so I spent all of my vacation up in Boise for pre-wedding and wedding events. I apologize, Emily.
We should have a BBQ at your new house! I'm inviting myself over. And bringing margaritas!
That about sums up my vacation, even though I come home on Monday. I have two weeks of nothing to do. I'm pretty excited about it. I will be watching Shark Week all next week, and then I'll probably have movie marathons for the rest of the time. Maybe take a few hikes. Who knows? Who knows.
Monday, July 26, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving every word of it, but I have recently started watching The Office....and I can't get enough of it. I have fallen in love with Jim Halpert and his crazy facial expressions.
I can't wait to see what happens with him and Pam.
I know that he proposes, they get married, and have a baby.
I have recently taken up trail running. I've been meaning to take a video of me running down this mountain with my dog in front of me. We have so much fun! I never thought I would be caught dead saying that running is fun, but trail running is such a great way to exercise. I'm in the beautiful Rocky Mountains chasing my dog down a really awesome trail through green trees. I am slightly afraid that I'm going to trip on something and roll down the mountain, but other than that, it's GREAT!
I did make a mistake last Saturday. I went on a pretty intense two hour hike...but the mistake was that I went at 1pm. By that time it had to have been about 90 degrees in Park City. I specifically remember about half way through the hike, saying outloud, "Wow, it's hot today!" I should have turned around at that point, but ended up going for another hour or so. By the time I got home, I had an excrutiating headache, and water and Advil weren't helping. I ended up vomiting, and I wouldn't be suprised if it was heat exhaustion. I don't think I'll go hiking in the middle of the day like that again. It was fun while it lasted.
Last night I went out to dinner with my friend, Whitney. She's actually my brother's best friend, but she has become a very good family friend over the years. She is currently living in Boston, but was home visiting family for a few weeks. We went to the Wasatch Brewery up on Main Street. She had tried a really great beer a few weeks earlier and told me how amazing it was, so I had to try it. It was probably the most amazing beer I've ever had. It's called Wasatch Jalapeno Cream Ale. Only Wasatch Brewery would come up with a jalapeno beer. It was DELICIOUS! You can taste the jalapeno as soon as the beer enters your mouth, and then as it's going down your throat, you get a little bit of a kick, and then....beer. It's amazing. I highly recommend this beer!
I'm planning on trail running this evening, so hopefully I'll remember my camera so I can take a video running down the mountain behind Babs. Hopefully I won't eat shit on the way....although it would make for a great video!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Books to Movies
Usually, most of the movie is accurate. I understand that they have to take out some of the details in order for it to fit into an hour and a half period. However, when they completely change the ending of the story, that's when it hurts.
In the book, My Sister's Keeper, Kate has cancer and is fighting her parents in court for property of her own body so she won't have to go through anymore tests. In the end, Kate ends up winning the case. There's a car accident that her sister, Anna, is involved in. She's close to death, but then Kate dies and is able to donate her organs to Anna, who survives the accident. In the movie, Kate beats the cancer and Anna ends up dying in the car accident.
In the book, Dear John, Savannah ends up marrying another man and breaks John's heart when he comes back from the Middle East. Of course, this other man, Savannah's best friend from growing up, now has cancer. He survives and John ends up alone, watching Savannah and her husband from a distance in the woods (creepy?). In the movie, Savannah's husband dies of cancer and John wins Savannah.
I don't get it. Why would you completely change the entire ending of the story when the original ending was amazing in itself? Who has the answer to this? Anyone?
Thursday, July 8, 2010
New Goal

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Bucket List
- Travel to every continent in the world
- Backpack through Europe
- Be successful
- Make a family
- Figure out what the point of life is
- Get more into astronomy -- possibly travel to the moon??
- Ski the Swiss Alps
- Join the Peace Corps
- Volunteer in Africa
- Attend a Summer Olympic Games
- Invent something
- Learn as much as possible
- Live in a foreign country for at least a year
- Play the banjo (in West Virginia)
- Safari through Kenya
- Flying sharks off the coast of South Africa
- The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
- Walk through the Louvre
- Moped through Rome
- Drink wine in Tuscany
- Coffee in the south of France
- Trek across the Himalayas
- Wear ushanka in Moscow
- Surf Australian beaches
- Oktoberfest in Munich
- Hike Machu Picchu
- Fall foliage in New England
- Neuschwanstein Castle
- Stone Forest in Yunnan
- Travel to:
- Alaska, Seattle, Portland, San Antonio, Detroit, Cleveland, Cincinatti, Philadelphia, Nashville, Louisville, New Orleans, the deep south, Washington D.C., Atlanta, Myrtle Beach, Raleigh, Portland (ME), Newport (RI), Lake Placid, Niagara Falls, Nantucket, Boston
- Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto
- Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallerta, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicarague, Costa Rica, Panama
- Valencia, Rio de Janiero, Peru, Chile, Argentina
- Moracco, Egypt, Madagascar, South Africa
- Norway, Finland, Iceland, England, Ireland, Denmark, Netherlands, Brussels, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Switzerland, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Croatia, Greece, Ukraine, Serbia
- Turkey, India, Vietnam, Israel, Moscow, Japan, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia
- Philippines, Australia, New Zealand
- Fiji, Jamaica, Bahamas
This is only the beginning...
Monday, June 28, 2010
Living Abroad
My brother doesn't really want to move to Europe because he doesn't think he would be able to find a job in his career, film making. My dad doesn't want to move to Europe because there's nothing for him there and he's so close to retirement that he'd rather stay in the U.S.
I'm hoping I can find something that will change their minds. Who wouldn't want to live in Barcelona, or Marseille, or Rome?
IDEA: Matt (my brother) could get a job filming fashion week in Milan.
Friday, June 25, 2010
First Tat

Another thing I'm indecisive about is the location of the tattoo. I have a few areas that I like: my back right shoulder, my right/left side on my ribs, or the outside of my ankle. My first choice is the right/left side on my ribs, but I'd prefer that tattoo to be rather large. I just don't know!
Do any of you have tattoos? If so, what and where is it?
Thursday, June 24, 2010
A week from Saturday, my brosef comes home for a whole week. We have nothing planned as of yet, so hopefully we'll come up with something soon. We'll probably head over to Main for the annual Park City Parade on the 4th, but who knows what else....perhaps the free concert and fireworks at The Canyons on the 3rd? Park City is pretty amazing this time of year. TONS of stuff to do. Free concerts at Deer Valley every Wednesday? Yes, please!
Oh, about 10 minutes ago I became best friends with Louie Vito. He stopped by my desk to say hi and to check out my Coach of the Month poster (a collection of '70s and '80s headshots of ski coaches which I pick out every month). Anyway, Louie and I are now BFFs!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Me: So....hey Chels! What up?
Me: Not much, how are you?
Me: Pretty swell. Just hangin' out, bein' awesome.
Me: Cool, me too.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Feeling Good
Sun in the sky you know how I feel
Breeze driftin' on by you know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good
Fish in the sea you know how I feel
River running free you know how I feel
Blossom on the tree you know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good
Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don't you know
Butterflies all havin' fun you know what I mean
Sleep in peace when day is done
That's what I mean
And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me
Stars when you shine you know how I feel
Scent of the pine you know how I feel
Oh freedom is mine
And I know how I feel
Thursday, June 10, 2010
More & More Books!
There are so many books out there that I want to read. The list is endless.
Please send me the titles of some of your favorite books. I'm dying to add them to my "to-read" list on Goodreads! Or, if you have a Goodreads profile, friend me immediately. And if you don't have a Goodreads profile, get one now. It's such a great way to find book reviews, see what your friends are reading, and what they like!
On a side note, I'm going to start hitting the yard sales and searching for accessories for my future house. Can't wait!!
Monday, June 7, 2010
New York City 2010

My flight departed SLC at 8:30am and arrived at JFK at 5:08pm. I took the subway to Columbus Circle, where I met Matt and we went out to dinner.
We took it easy the first night, heading back to Matt's apartment in Brooklyn, where we settled down with a bottle of Jack and Kacy, Matt's roomie.
We went to bed early so we could get up and start my vacation in New York City.

First stop: The Museum of Natural History.
Here's Matt standing next next to a planet where you can go inside for movies. This was the space center.
Matt and I spent hours inside this museum. There's so much to see. I highly recommend it to everyone who visits New York.

Apart from all of the amazing artwork (Picasso, Matisse, Warhol), there was this crazy exhibit that had been in town for several months. Have you ever seen the movie, The Ring? I like to compare this exhibit to the video that kills you in seven days. There were pictures, videos, and nude humans all over the 6th floor.
There was a video of a group of naked people laying face down in a grassy field humping the ground simultaneously. There was a video of a woman caressing her breasts up and holding them up to the sky. There was a video of a woman cutting her stomach.

Then there were the live nudes. I walked around the corner to see a woman sitting on a bike seat that was mounted halfway up the wall and staring at people in the audience. She was nude. I walk around the next corner and there is a man laying on a table with a science class skeleton on top of him and staring at the people. He was nude. I go around the corner and there are two men standing about a foot apart from each other while people walked through them. They were nude.
Then you go down to the second floor and see the artist sitting in a chair, staring at someone sitting in another chair across from her.
Weird. You just don't see that here in Utah. Check out more on the exhibit here.
After our museum day, we met up with Kacy and went to dinner at a really good pizza place. We enjoyed delicious pizza and beer. We took the subway downtown to Tribeca and had a drink at the Tribeca Tavern, then headed back to the apartment to hang out with our buddy Jack.
Saturday, May 29

Then, Matt and I headed over to Battery Park hoping to see some fighter jets circling the Statue of Liberty as their turnaround from the Fleet Week parade taking place on Long Island. We didn't see any. Instead, we had an amazing view of the Statue, boats, and millions of people trying to get on fairies.

After taking many pictures as ticket takers, money counters on the money train, and passengers on the 1920s subways, we headed to the Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory right under the Brooklyn Bridge. I enjoyed a waffle cone filled with butter pecan and strawberry ice cream. It was delicious!
We hopped back on the subway and went back to Manhattan to meet up with Kacy at H&M, where I have to visit everytime I go to NYC (still none in Utah). We went out to dinner at a really delicious Chinese restaurant in the East Village. Then, headed back to the apartment to meet up with Jack.
Once we got back to the apartment, we heard that Matt's neighbors were having a party. Matt always complains about these neighbors. There are two different groups of Latinos who have huge parties in Matt's backyard, which is an area with several buildings enclosed around it, making the DJ sized speakers and volume penetrate off the brick. The building literaly shakes.
We waited up for Matt's BFF, Whitney, to drive in from Boston. Then Matt made me watch Adventures in Babysitting, which is ok since it's one of my favorite movies of all time.
Sunday, May 30
Today is Matt's birthday! For his present, I bought him Yankee tickets. The Yankees beat the Cleveland Indians 7-3. It was a really great game, and such a beautiful stadium! I hate to say it, but after going to a game and experience in the embiance of a Major League Baseball game, especially at Yankee Stadium, if I ever move to New York, I think I'd have to become a Yankee fan.
After the game, we met up with Kacy, Darryl, and Whitney for Matt's birthday dinner at Cafe con Leche. It's a mix of Spanish and Cuban. Once again, it was delicious!
Then we headed back to the East Village to go to a speakeasy. It was so exciting! You go into this hot dog restaurant and there's a phone booth. You go into the phone booth, pick up the phone and talkwith someone in the speakeasy. You have to give them the secret code to get in. We only stayed for one drink because it was so expensive, but when we left, all the faces of the people eating hot dogs were very confused after seeing five people come out of a tiny phone booth.
We went to a cheaper bar where we met up with another one of Matt's friends, David. Then, after a few drinks there, we all headed back to the apartment for more drinks and snacks.
Monday, May 31
My last day in New York, we all went to a street fair on Madison Ave. These street fairs are crazy! There are tons of people (as usual) and vendors on every inch of the 15 blocks. I bought some earrings, but it was so ridiculously hot and humid, that I couldn't stand being in the heat any longer. I ate some delicious pad thai, and munched on some of my Matt's gyro.
We headed back to the apartment to pack. Matt was on the same flight home with me, so we said goodbye to Kacy, Darryl, and Whitney (who had to drive back to Boston) and left for the airport. We ended up sitting on the plane for 2 hours and 45 minutes. The new law requires pilot's to return to the gate after 3 hours of being idol on a plane. We barely made it. We landed in SLC a little after 12:30am.
Dorothy June Cherry
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Religion & God

Who is God, according to The Bible: There is only one God. God is "the Supreme Being; the Creator and Ruler of all that is; the Self-existent one who is perfect in power, goodness, and wisdom." God made the heavens and the earth, created man "in His own image". He is the one we pray to in times of need, in times of thanks, in times of remorse, repent to, and praise in happiness.
Prophet: Jesus, who God sent down to earth to preach His word. Turned water to wine, healed the sick, etc.
Life and Salvation: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” -John 3:16
Afterlife: Continued existence of the soul in Heaven/Hell.
Who is God, according to The Qur'an: There is only one God, Allah, which simply means the (al) God (Ilah), deriving form the Hebrew word for God, Elohim. Allah created man using a clot of blood.
Prophet: Muhammed, the last and greatest messengers of God. Not divine.
Life and Salvation: Live life to please Allah so that you may live eternity in Paradise.
Afterlife: Continued existence of the soul in Paradise/Jahannam.
(Chart comparing Christianity and Islam: http://www.religionfacts.com/christianity/charts/christianity_islam.htm)
Who is God, according to Vedas/Shruti/Bhagavad Gita/Ramayan: Aspects of the supreme Brahman, avatars of supreme being, or devas.
Prophet: No prophets, just devotion to gods and goddesses: Brahman (god-creator) and his 300,000 reincarneted beings, Vishnu (god-preserver), Shiva (god-destroyer), Saraswati (godess of knowledge), Lakshmi (godess of wealth), Parvati & Shakti (godesses of power).
Life and Salvation: Salvation by works and many reincarnations; Karma's good or bad deeds will determine your chosen afterlife; Meditation.
Afterlife: Samsara, or the cycle of rebirth and death. Good deeds will lead to Svargam (heaven), bad deeds will lead to Narakam (hell), or reincarnation. Good deeds provide you to move to higher sun-filled worlds of reincarnation. Bad deeds will lead to lower worlds and consequence.Buddhism
Who is God, according to Tipitaka or Sutras: No Supreme Creator, rather Buddha or the Enlightened One. Be thy own refuge.
Prophet: Siddhartha
Life and Salvation: Meditation will lead to Vipassana, or seeing through the mode of impermanence (Side Note: The book Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert has a very interesting description of Vipassana).
Afterlife: Samsara, or the cycle of rebirth and death.
The Buddha said of death:
Life is a journey.
Death is a return to earth.
The universe is like an inn.
The passing years are like dust.
Regard this phantom world
As a star at dawn, a bubble in a stream,
A flash of lightning in a summer cloud,
A flickering lamp - a phantom - and a dream.
In Buddhism, there is either reincarnation or Nirvana. Reincarnation is not from one human body to another, but could be to a lower level of being depending on your previous life and how you lived it. Reincarnation is suffering until you reach Nirvana, which can only be achieved by Buddhas:
"It is recognized that there is nothing but what is seen of the mind itself; where, recognizing the nature of the self-mind, one no longer cherishes the dualisms of discrimination; where there is no more thirst nor grasping; where there is no more attachment to external things." -Surangama
(Chart comparing Christianity and Buddhism: http://www.diffen.com/difference/Buddhism_vs_Christianity)Judaism
Who is God, according to the Tanakh/Torah (or Old Testament of The Bible): There is only one God, Yahweh, or Adonai. Same ideology as Christian God.
Prophet: Abraham, Moses, Miriam, Isaiah, Samuel, Ezekiel, Malachi, Job.
Life and Salvation: Believe in God and perform good deeds throughout life to go to the Garden of Eden (Heaven) or Gehinnom (Hell).
Afterlife: Divine revelation and forgiveness in Heaven, or possibly reincarnation, Gehenna, or no aflterlife at all.
(Chart comparing Christianity and Judaism: http://www.religionfacts.com/christianity/charts/christianity_judaism.htm)
Interesting chart showing the religious percentage around the world.
SIDE NOTE: Mormanism vs. Mainstream Christianity: http://www.religionfacts.com/mormonism/comparison.htm
Just another comparison that shows the differences between the two. I'd say they are just as different as comparing Christianity with all of the above religions.
Jews for Jesus posted this really great chart outlining the differences of Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, and Christianity. It's pretty cool to see them all side-by-side: http://jewsforjesus.org/publications/issues/10_4/chart