Thursday, June 24, 2010


I wish I had something interesting to tell everyone....but I don't. I guess I could talk about future events. Tomorrow, my good buddy Nicco, his mom, and sister are coming to town. I'm pretty excited. They're kind of my favorite people to hang out with.

A week from Saturday, my brosef comes home for a whole week. We have nothing planned as of yet, so hopefully we'll come up with something soon. We'll probably head over to Main for the annual Park City Parade on the 4th, but who knows what else....perhaps the free concert and fireworks at The Canyons on the 3rd? Park City is pretty amazing this time of year. TONS of stuff to do. Free concerts at Deer Valley every Wednesday? Yes, please!

Oh, about 10 minutes ago I became best friends with Louie Vito. He stopped by my desk to say hi and to check out my Coach of the Month poster (a collection of '70s and '80s headshots of ski coaches which I pick out every month). Anyway, Louie and I are now BFFs!

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