Thursday, July 8, 2010

New Goal

As you know, my 2010 New Year's Resolution is to read a book a week. So far so good! I have downed 28 books in 28 weeks. Go me! So, since I have become a reading fiend, I decided that I will read all of the books on The Pulitzer Prize list. Basically I will be pulling a Kali J.! Kali is in the process of reading all of the Newbery Prize winning books.

No time limit is needed. I would just like to get through the list. I have only read about 5 books on the list, so I have a long way to go! Oooh! Maybe I'll switch off, a Newbery then a Pulitzer. That could be neat.


Unknown said...

woot! Atta girl... I just started a huge undertaking== I'm going to read the bible. impressive huh?1 go me!

Kali said...

BAH! Love it! Um so I'm getting back on Good Reads....let's be book sharing friends again. Oh AND if we are ever living in the same state again (which I hope we do) we need to set up an EPIC BOOK CLUB!

Right now I am reading Eat, Pray, Love with some friends. Have you read it yet?


Chelsea said...

Kali, YES! I read Eat Pray Love a few months ago and I loved it. I think since you're into yoga then you'll really enjoy it. It's definitely something that I could see myself doing right now with where I am in my life. If I only had the large amounts of money that she had...

Emily, The Bible?? Wow! I haven't read that cover to cover before. Good luck with that. p.s. I'm coming to Boise in a few weeks!! Can't wait to see your place!