Monday, March 28, 2011

Quick Update

I finally bought a new scale. The official poundage that I've lost... drum roll ........ 3 pounds. I feel like I'm Monica on that Friends episode, The One With the Flashback, when Rachel asks her if she lost weight, but super sarcastically because she didn't have anything else to ask her. Then Monica says, "You're so sweet to notice! Yes! I lost 3 1/2 pounds!" Four week update tomorrow. Stay tuned.


Kali said...

Chelsea! Congrats! I can't wait to hear about more of your vegan adventures.

Did your body ever go through a detox period once you gave up all those foods?

I've had the super hardest time giving up cheese things. I think I need to commit to some like 30-day raw food challenge, so that way I can stay away from it and really wean my way off.

I'm so proud of you and definitely want to see you the next time I'm in UT!

Chelsea said...

Kali J!

My body has definitely been detoxing, and mostly through gas. I read on The Kind Life website forum that this is normal. Thank God! But I'm going to do a juice cleanse this weekend, Friday - Sunday, so hopefully that will help move things along too. I should have started with a detox/cleanse first though.

I went to lunch with some coworkers today at Squatters and one of them ordered the super cheesy mac and cheese and I almost jumped right in. My mouth is watering right now as I think about it!