Monday, January 10, 2011

Solar Eclipse Marathon

I went onto the Lululemon website today to look for high collar sweatshirts. Their main page shows a girl holding a sign that says, "I run the Great Wall Marathon in China by 2015". That sparked my curiosity, so I Googled it. Apparently, there's a marathon that takes place on the Great Wall of China. How cool is that? I also found out that the company that organizes this event also has marathons in South Africa, Greenland, Jordan, and a brand new one to start in 2012 in Queensland, Australia on the morning of the SOLAR ECLIPSE! It's called the Solar Eclipse Marathon.

I have always wanted to be a runner. I would need to start out slow, by doing a 5k, then a 10k, then a half marathon, and so forth. But I think this Solar Eclipse Marathon could be a really great goal for me.

The prices are resonable and lodging is even cheaper if you have a group of 4-6.

Anyone interested?

Something to think about. I think it sounds awesome!

1 comment:

Kali said...