I normally wouldn't think twice about this, but being 26 years old, single, and a resident of Utah (where everyone gets married at 20 and pregnant by 21), I'm beginning to feel the pressure. Ok, I started feeling it a few years ago, but more so now with all my friends hopping on the boat.
I want children, but I just don't think right now is the best time for me. I don't have the income to support a family. Some may say that's the husband's job, but come on! It's 2011. The wife is just as much a part of bringing home the bacon as the husband.
Have you seen the documentary Babies? It's amazing! I laughed, I cried, it's incredible! Rent it immediately, if not sooner. Babies is all about babies in different parts of the world. My favorite part was when the baby in Mongolia's brother pushes him in his stroller up a hill outside of his yurt home and leaves him there with the cows in the middle of a field.
Is it weird that I have baby names all picked out?
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