Wow! I can't believe 2008 is over. The year went by fast. A lot happened in just one year.
I changed positions at my job a few times. First, I went to Membership where I basically processed memberships all day long, which was not enjoyable. Then, I was saved and was offered a position in Coaches Education, where I now work in the US Olympic Training Center. It's pretty exciting out here. I get to watch all the Olympic skiers and snowboards do their training and testing so they can become gold medalists! The USSA is currently building a $20 million facility which will be known as the Center of Excellence (COE). The COE will include the training facility as well as the offices for the staff. It's pretty amazing to be apart of such a great company. And with the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver around the corner, things are really getting exciting!
Besides work, I met someone who changed my life. I actually thought he was going to change my life forever, but things didn't work out. He was my first love and, unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to tell him how I truly felt...or still feel. It was a heartbreaking experience, but I suppose everyone goes through it at some point in their lives. The worst part about it is that I keep looking back and knowing the things I should have done differently and how I was given the opportunity to do something, but never did because I was too afraid. Fear seems to be the only thing that is holding me back from being myself and getting what I want in life. But, then again, he may have been in the same boat. I blame myself. We could have had something great, but I blew of the only regrets I have in my life.
Other than work and the short-lived love life, not much has happened in the last year. I was able to spend Christmas with my family, unlike last year when I was in Cancun with the Alvords. I was told that I could never be away from family at Christmas ever again. It just wasn't the same on the beach. Christmas should be spent in the snow!
This coming year, 2009, is going to be big! The USSA is preparing mentally and physically for the 2010 Olympics. I know the next 12 months will be highly demanding in every aspect of my job, as well as everyone else involved with winter sports. It's going to be a good year for skiing! Lots of snow so far, and winter has only just begun! As one of my co-workers says, "Ski ya later!"
Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
No Longer Confused

I recently told the guy I was "dating" how I felt about him. In return, he tells me he's dating someone else. My heart shattered, but I was prepared. It had been over a month since we last hung out and of course all of the possibilities were going through my head. I have shed far too many tears for this guy and I'm ready to move on. This week has been surprisingly easy. He's on my mind constantly and of course everything reminds me of him, but I've been doing better than I predicted.
All of this happened on Sunday after church. I basically ran after him in the parking lot and had to talk to him or else I would be putting myself through anguish. Thank God for friends! Liz came up to Park City with me and we ended up driving to Evanston, WY, just for the hell of it...and to buy good beer! We took the scenic route back and just had a good time, which is what I needed.
More tears were shed throughout the day, but overall, I'm hangin' in there!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Brett Favre...JETS?!?!?
Brett Favre officially retired from the NFL....then came back. The whole thing is a joke! I shed far too many tears for Brett when he left the Pack, and when he returned I just got angry. Poor Aaron Rogers..thinking he's going to be the starting QB and then Brett comes back and says that he will start and be the main QB or he wants to be traded. But Brett signed a contract a few years ago saying that he would stay with the Packers until 2010. The Packers gave in and traded him to the Jets. It will be very difficult to watch Brett in a Jet jersey. He should have stayed retired or not retired in the first place, and if he's going to continue playing, he should finish his career as a Packer, not as a Jet. I guess the only plus side to this situation is that Wisconsin will never have to be in winter wonderland.
Friday, July 18, 2008

The worst part about dating is playing the stupid games. Hard-To-Get seems to be the most popular. Why can't we just come out and say, "Hey, I like you"? Why does everything have to be so difficult? First of all, the games are a waste of time, and you're only playing this "hard-to-get" because you're trying to show the other person that you actually have a life and don't sit around waiting for them to call you. Let's get real here. You don't have anything better to do and you are sitting by the phone waiting. Whatever happened to communication? I hate when people put on a stupid front. Why can't we just be ourselves and openly admit that we don't have a life and don't ever make plans, so the week is wide open. Ok, I'll be the first to admit it. I don't have a life, I never make plans, and my week is wide open. There ya have it! If someone calls and says, "What are you doing tonight?" why would I say, "Oh, yeah, I'm busy, sorry!" when really I should be saying, "Absolutely nothing! Let's go out!" I'm not afraid to say this to anyone. Let's get out there, people! Show your soon-to-be lover that you really don't have a life, and when he/she really enters your life, you will be all theirs! Perfect!
On a side note, what does it mean when you're dating someone for three months, and then they all of a sudden start ignoring you and blowing you off? This is when communication comes into play. All you men, can you please just tell us what we did wrong, or at least a good reason as to why you're shutting us out? Don't make us confused and try to analyze everything, 'cause that's what we do, and it hurts. Don't give us excuses like, "I've been busy," or "I've been working a lot". By now, we know what you're schedule is like, and those are lies. Tell the truth. BE A MAN, for God's sake!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Cinematic Adventures
I absolutely LOVE movies! The cinema is my art. I don't need Picasso, Da Vinci, or Van Gogh. I need Scorcese, Soderberg, and Tarantino.
I fell in love with movies when I was just a child. My parents raised me on great movies like Psycho, Stand By Me, and Star Wars. Since then, my brother has gone to film school where he majored in cinematography. When he was living here in Park City, he would volunteer every year at the Sundance Film Festival. I started to go to Sundance every year because of the celebrities, but then I really got involved with the films themselves. I am very much into Independent films. I think they come from brilliant minds, and it's a shame that these ideas rarely get to the big screen.
In my final year of college I took a film history class. I enjoyed viewing different genres of films and never would have imagined myself choosing to watch them on my own. I found half of the movies horribly dull, but the other half were very inspiring! The only part of that class that I didn't enjoy, were the discussions afterwards. I would usually skip out on these, but when I went, I didn't find them at all appealing. When I watch movies, I like to watch them for what they are. I don't like analyzing them or talking about where the story could have gone. Those are all opinions; opinions that change other's perspective on the overall theme of the film. That was the part of the class that ruined most of the movies for me.
Recently, my movie watching has decreased due to the fact that I am now full-time employed. I wish I could still get to the movie theater every week to see that #1 film in the country, but I just don't have the time, and when I do, I'm usually boozin'! That's just how I roll. My weeks in the office, staring at a computer all day, rely on much needed alcohol by Friday evening!
I fell in love with movies when I was just a child. My parents raised me on great movies like Psycho, Stand By Me, and Star Wars. Since then, my brother has gone to film school where he majored in cinematography. When he was living here in Park City, he would volunteer every year at the Sundance Film Festival. I started to go to Sundance every year because of the celebrities, but then I really got involved with the films themselves. I am very much into Independent films. I think they come from brilliant minds, and it's a shame that these ideas rarely get to the big screen.
In my final year of college I took a film history class. I enjoyed viewing different genres of films and never would have imagined myself choosing to watch them on my own. I found half of the movies horribly dull, but the other half were very inspiring! The only part of that class that I didn't enjoy, were the discussions afterwards. I would usually skip out on these, but when I went, I didn't find them at all appealing. When I watch movies, I like to watch them for what they are. I don't like analyzing them or talking about where the story could have gone. Those are all opinions; opinions that change other's perspective on the overall theme of the film. That was the part of the class that ruined most of the movies for me.
Recently, my movie watching has decreased due to the fact that I am now full-time employed. I wish I could still get to the movie theater every week to see that #1 film in the country, but I just don't have the time, and when I do, I'm usually boozin'! That's just how I roll. My weeks in the office, staring at a computer all day, rely on much needed alcohol by Friday evening!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Selfish or Selfless?
I just realized something. People think too much. Why does everyone have to go through life wondering what the meaning of it all is? We should just go through life enjoying it and making the best of it. Who cares what could be done or what happens next? Just go with it!
I have noticed that this pondering has increased over the years, especially with the younger generations. There are almost too many options; too many choices to make. It's confusing!
I look back about 40 years ago when this all the 60s, none the less. Vietnam was underway and the hippies were out protesting for their rights. Rights. Now that's an interesting concept. Considering this is a "free" country, there are quite a few limitations on our rights as Americans. This is where the thinking comes into play. As a "free" country, we can practice whatever religion we want to, go anywhere anytime, speak anyway we want, dress anyway we want, and, like most countries now-a-days, carry a gun if we please.
How many religions are there in the world? It's not cool anymore to just practice the beliefs you were raised on. Oh no! We must all "find ourselves" and figure out what we really believe in; who we really are. The first step is finding a religious belief that fits those needs and wants. But what are we supposed to do now? Organized religion isn't cool anymore either!
And what about free speech? There are tons of limitations on what we can and cannot say. Anyone can go around in public swearing up a storm. Then anyone can sue them just as easily because they were "causing a disturbance" and "misbehaving in front of my young child".
But the thing that pisses me off the most is the fact that every single country in the world always complains about America and what we are doing. Why do you care so much?!?!? Worry about your own country for once. And if you're so concerned, why do you all come here to this "free" country to get away from your own country?
Then they always say how amazing their country is because they "don't do war" and are neutral. Well, here in America, most of us aren't selfish bastards and we care about the well-being of this world. Therefore, we help those in need, meaning we will go to war to help innocent people who are losing their lives on account of other's selfishness. That may be your country one day. Think about it. It's what we all do best.
I have noticed that this pondering has increased over the years, especially with the younger generations. There are almost too many options; too many choices to make. It's confusing!
I look back about 40 years ago when this all the 60s, none the less. Vietnam was underway and the hippies were out protesting for their rights. Rights. Now that's an interesting concept. Considering this is a "free" country, there are quite a few limitations on our rights as Americans. This is where the thinking comes into play. As a "free" country, we can practice whatever religion we want to, go anywhere anytime, speak anyway we want, dress anyway we want, and, like most countries now-a-days, carry a gun if we please.
How many religions are there in the world? It's not cool anymore to just practice the beliefs you were raised on. Oh no! We must all "find ourselves" and figure out what we really believe in; who we really are. The first step is finding a religious belief that fits those needs and wants. But what are we supposed to do now? Organized religion isn't cool anymore either!
And what about free speech? There are tons of limitations on what we can and cannot say. Anyone can go around in public swearing up a storm. Then anyone can sue them just as easily because they were "causing a disturbance" and "misbehaving in front of my young child".
But the thing that pisses me off the most is the fact that every single country in the world always complains about America and what we are doing. Why do you care so much?!?!? Worry about your own country for once. And if you're so concerned, why do you all come here to this "free" country to get away from your own country?
Then they always say how amazing their country is because they "don't do war" and are neutral. Well, here in America, most of us aren't selfish bastards and we care about the well-being of this world. Therefore, we help those in need, meaning we will go to war to help innocent people who are losing their lives on account of other's selfishness. That may be your country one day. Think about it. It's what we all do best.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Top O' the Mornin'!
Today is St. Patrick's Day, one of my favorite holidays of the year! I love holidays that allow you to dress goofy and get away with it in the spirit of the day. St. Patty's gives me a reason to wear everything green...and I mean everything. I normally would go all out by spraying my hair with green hair spray, but the last time I did that it didn't wash out and my hair was green for a week.
This year, I found some green stick on facial hair! I was so excited when I found this. I got home and tried it out, but the glue that was used was no good, so I didn't get to wear my green facial hair. It's unfortunate, but I found ways to make my green experience great! Shamrock
necklaces, green beer goggles, shamrock earrings, green dress, green beads, green shoes, and you can't forget the green beer!
This is what I looked like last year. Pretty great, I know. My friends and I even had name tags that said, "Hello, my name is" and we all put in Irish names. For instance, mine said, "Hello, my name is Finnigan O'Mally".
This year, we celebrated St. Patty's on Saturday evening because it fell on a Monday. People, such as myself, need to work early Tuesday morning and can't risk the chances of a hangover. However, I will join my friends out at the bars this evening for a drink or two, just to celebrate the actual day.
I read on Wikipedia that if St. Patty's falls during a day of Holy Week, the the holiday is celebrated the Saturday before. That is the case this year. Even in Ireland, they celebrated on Saturday because St. Patty's is during Holy Week. The last time this happened was 1940, but won't happen again until 2160.
So, enjoy the day! Drink a beer, or two, or three. Make it green. Make it great!
This picture happens to be from the small town of New London, Wisconsin. This town is where my father and his brother and sisters grew up, and also where my grandmother currently resides, and has for 60 years. This picture is posted on the main St. Patrick's Day page of Wikipedia. Coincidence? I think not. Wisconsin is just that awesome!
This year, I found some green stick on facial hair! I was so excited when I found this. I got home and tried it out, but the glue that was used was no good, so I didn't get to wear my green facial hair. It's unfortunate, but I found ways to make my green experience great! Shamrock
This is what I looked like last year. Pretty great, I know. My friends and I even had name tags that said, "Hello, my name is" and we all put in Irish names. For instance, mine said, "Hello, my name is Finnigan O'Mally".
This year, we celebrated St. Patty's on Saturday evening because it fell on a Monday. People, such as myself, need to work early Tuesday morning and can't risk the chances of a hangover. However, I will join my friends out at the bars this evening for a drink or two, just to celebrate the actual day.
I read on Wikipedia that if St. Patty's falls during a day of Holy Week, the the holiday is celebrated the Saturday before. That is the case this year. Even in Ireland, they celebrated on Saturday because St. Patty's is during Holy Week. The last time this happened was 1940, but won't happen again until 2160.
So, enjoy the day! Drink a beer, or two, or three. Make it green. Make it great!

This picture happens to be from the small town of New London, Wisconsin. This town is where my father and his brother and sisters grew up, and also where my grandmother currently resides, and has for 60 years. This picture is posted on the main St. Patrick's Day page of Wikipedia. Coincidence? I think not. Wisconsin is just that awesome!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Wisconsin Winter Wonderland
Even though I reside in Utah, I am a huge Green Bay Packer fan. My entire family is from Wisconsin, so I was born and raised a cheesehead. My aunt and uncle, who live in Waupaca, emailed me after the Packers lost in the playoffs. They told me they are now in Wisconsin Winter Wonderland: the people of Wisconsin wondering all winter whether or not Brett Favre will retire.
Well, Wisconsin, there will be no more wondering. Brett Favre announced his retirement yesterday. I kind of predicted that it would happen this time around. He had a great season and there's nothing better than to go out on a high note. He's been in the league for 17 years and has given the Packers a Superbowl Championship during that time. In this last season alone, he has broken many records, including all-time touchdown passes!
Brett Favre will be known as one of the greatest NFL quarterbacks in history. A great athlete and a great person, I wear my cheesehead in honor of his excellence!
Well, Wisconsin, there will be no more wondering. Brett Favre announced his retirement yesterday. I kind of predicted that it would happen this time around. He had a great season and there's nothing better than to go out on a high note. He's been in the league for 17 years and has given the Packers a Superbowl Championship during that time. In this last season alone, he has broken many records, including all-time touchdown passes!
Brett Favre will be known as one of the greatest NFL quarterbacks in history. A great athlete and a great person, I wear my cheesehead in honor of his excellence!

Monday, February 25, 2008
2008 Academy Awards
The Academy Awards are over and my predictions weren't as good as I was hoping. I didn't get to the theater as much as I would have liked throughout the fall, so I was depending on the winners from the SAG's and Golden Globes. I ended up getting 11/24 right. Not too bad, but not as good as I did last year.
Here are my top predictions compared to the actual winners:
Best Picture
Prediction: No Country For Old Men
Winner: No Country For Old Men
Prediction: No Country For Old Men
Winner: No Country For Old Men

Actor -- Leading
Prediction: Daniel Day-Lewis
Winner: Daniel Day-Lewis
Actor -- Supporting
Prediction: Javier Bardem
Winner: Javier Bardem
Actress -- Leading
Prediction: Cate Blanchett
Winner: Mario Cotillard
Actress -- Supporting
Prediction: Amy Ryan
Winner: Tilda Swinton
So, I suppose I did alright in the bigger categories. I never watch short films, so I got all those wrong. Documentaries and foreign films are never screened in the theaters in Utah, so I got all those wrong. I did well on sound editing and mixing, animation, and screenplay.
I guess I know what I need to do next year. Actually watch the films!!!
Here are my top predictions compared to the actual winners:
Best Picture
Prediction: No Country For Old Men
Winner: No Country For Old Men
Prediction: No Country For Old Men
Winner: No Country For Old Men

Actor -- Leading
Prediction: Daniel Day-Lewis
Winner: Daniel Day-Lewis
Actor -- Supporting
Prediction: Javier Bardem
Winner: Javier Bardem
Actress -- Leading
Prediction: Cate Blanchett
Winner: Mario Cotillard
Actress -- Supporting
Prediction: Amy Ryan
Winner: Tilda Swinton
So, I suppose I did alright in the bigger categories. I never watch short films, so I got all those wrong. Documentaries and foreign films are never screened in the theaters in Utah, so I got all those wrong. I did well on sound editing and mixing, animation, and screenplay.
I guess I know what I need to do next year. Actually watch the films!!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
I enjoy driving places. It's one of the rare occasions that I'm really alone with my thoughts. So, on my way to work this morning I wondered, why has the media portrayed how the world should be viewed?? Why has the media created the image of society?? Why can't we, as people, think for ourselves?? Can you honestly think of a time in your life where you haven't considered what people were thinking of you, or is this outfit "in style"? I know a lot of people who would say, "I don't care what people think." Well, I think that's a bunch of bullshit! In today's world, no one can step out the door without thinking about every little detail. When someone looks at you, you care what they are thinking, or else you wouldn't be human.
One of the biggest issues in America is obesity. What is considered "obese"? The American Heart Association claims that being just 30 pounds overweight (depending on height) is considered "obese". Now, I beg to differ. When I was a freshman in college, I was in the best shape of my life. I was playing softball, working out, and doing a high amount of cardio every day. My Body Mass Index said I was "overweight" when really I just had a lot of muscle. And we all know that muscle weighs more than fat. I think to get closer with the BMI you have to have a fat test with the pinchers, and even that's not the most accurate way.
It's really too bad that we have to rely on fashion magazines to show us what is "acceptable". I know that this is a subject that has been mentioned many times, but it's something that I think about quite often. Hopefully this will all change in the future!

It's really too bad that we have to rely on fashion magazines to show us what is "acceptable". I know that this is a subject that has been mentioned many times, but it's something that I think about quite often. Hopefully this will all change in the future!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
According to me...
I consider myself to be a very complex person. I don't mean complicated, I mean that I have a lot of my own opinions and I am my own person. I am different, to say the least. I think I have changed a lot in the last four years. I have gone to college and played Division I softball where I got the opportunity to travel around the country. I was educated at a University with a top 10 ranked Communications Department. Through my education, I learned to hold my own. In my second year of school, I decided that I wanted to go to law school and become a sports agent. I studied hard, but in the end was offered a great job at a great company, the US Ski & Snowboard Association.
Vote or Die

Today is the primary election. The day where the remaining states not involved in the previous caucus elections have a chance to vote for the final two candidates in the Republican and Democratic parties who will run for President of the United States of America.
Now, I have never been very involved in the political world, but this year is different. I believe that this country is ready for change and all of the nominees are basing their campaigns on that very aspect. Change!
In 2004, I cast my first ballot in a presidential election, voting for none other than George W. Bush. I look back at my vote, and many may regret theirs, but I do not. G-dub has done the best he knows how. Too many people believe that this war should be over, or never should have started to begin with. But I believe that war is inevitable, and because we are the United States, we help others in need. There will always be others in need because there will always be hatred in the world. Hatred is the equivalence of war.
It is now 2008, and G-dub's term is over. It is time for a new president and it is time for change. I am not seeing anything that outweighs the Republican candidates, so this year I will be voting Democrat. I do not like to label myself as one or the other, which is why I am registered as an Independent. I like making my own opinions and having my own views on certain issues. I usually sway a little more to the right than to the left, but in this case I am finding myself on the left side of things.
At this point in time, I am not sure who I will be voting for. It's between Hilary and Obama. Is the country ready for a woman president or a black president? I think they are ready for both. I need to do a bit more research before I head into the booth today, but I think I know who it will be...
Monday, January 28, 2008
In Memory of Heath Ledger

Tomorrow will be one week since Heath Ledger was found dead in his New York City apartment. The reasoning for his death is still unknown. Suicide has mostly been ruled out and there isn't a sign of struggle. Prescription drugs were found around him, which leads me to believe that he mixed the wrong dosage of pills together, causing his death.
I am reminded of one of my favorite actors growing up, River Phoenix. His performance in Stand By Me was brilliant and is a movie I will never forget! I have come to love his brother, Joaquin, for his roles in independent films like, Clay Pigeons, Return to Paradise, and Inventing the Abbotts. He portrayed the amazing Johnny Cash in Walk the Line and nailed it!
My friend, James, was the one who first told me about Heath's passing. I was absolutely shocked! I didn't know how to react. I had to look it up on Google News to see if it was true. At that moment there was only one article, so it was hard to believe. After just two minutes, I refreshed the page and it was flooding with articles. It must be true.
Heath was beginning to choose wisely in his films and he could have amounted to a great actor. After learning of his death, the next few days brought on some questions. Why Heath Ledger? What's the point of life? What's the point of anything? Obviously religion plays a role in these questions and I am a very religious and spiritual person. But my faith doesn't seem to be helping me understand the meaning of it all.
Rest in peace Heather Ledger. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your loved ones.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Sundance 2008

I must say that I am very disappointed with Sundance this year. As locals, we were promised a better selection of movies, but as I was registering for individual ticket sales I received an email that told me I was not guaranteed an online time slot to buy tickets. My mom registered and received the email that told her she did not get a time. Thankfully, I did, but it is the afternoon of the last day of the sales.
This week I decided to put together my list of movies that I would like to attend. I realized that the chances of actually obtaining these tickets is slim to none and that I should go for the films that don't have big celebrities in them. After all, the Sundance Film Festival is for the movies, not to see celebrities.
My time slot is tomorrow afternoon, so we'll see how it goes. Hopefully I'll get something!
2007 Highlights

In May, I graduated from the University of Utah with a b.a. in mass communication, emphasizing in public relations. My parents took me to New York as a graduation present. My brother, Matt, lives there, so it was a trip to see him as well. We had a great time! We went on the set of Good Morning America and The Daily Show with John Stewart, went to the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, the Empire State Building, Ground Zero, all of the touristy stuff.
I was working for a law firm as a receptionist, which isn't the best job to have as a college graduate, but it was one of the best jobs I had ever had. Everyone I worked with was amazing. Plus, it was pretty cool to say that I worked for a law firm.
During that time I was also seriously considering law school. I was preparing for the LSAT in September and was planning on continuing in Intellectual Property Law in Fall of 2008. I took the test and while I was waiting for my scores I got a job for the US Ski & Snowboard Association (USSA), where I currently reside. The scores came in and they were not exactly what I was hoping for, so I decided to put off law school. But just for now.
At USSA, I started as the Western Region Administrator, where I create race selection boards for events happening outside of the Western Region. After just two weeks, I was promoted to Junior Olympic Coordinator where I make sure everything is in order for all the Junior Olympic events throughout the country.
Everything was going great. Then, something happened. Back in the springtime, Amy called me to invite me to Cancun for Christmas with her and her family. How could I pass that up? I a

Christmas doesn't seem like Christmas in Mexico. Christmas to me is 3 feet of snow on the ground, a tree with presents underneath, church on Christmas Eve, and being with my family and loved ones. In Cancun, we celebrated Christmas like it was any other day of the trip, by laying on the beach and going out for food.
For lunch we went to this great chain restaurant that originated in Mexico called SeƱor Frogs. It was kind of awkward because as soon as we sat down the waiters started giving us all name tags that said "Hello, my name is Easy" or "Hello, my name is Sex Machine". Then they brought out signs that said "Chichis Grandes" and pointed them at Amy. Amy received even more luck when one of the waiters came over and started giving her a massage and kissing the back of her neck. Like I said, awkward!
All I could think was, thank God they're aren't doing anything to me! Then my chair starts being pulled back away from the table and this guy straddles me and starts massaging my back and

So, lunch ended and we headed back to our villa on the beach, and from that moment on, I have not been able to stop thinking about the green-eyed Mexican. If only they gave themselves name tags!
Like lunch, Cancun ended too. We headed back to the states; back to our dull lives in reality. Back to a desk job and snowy, zero degree weather.
Then, I had an epiphany! Why don't I try to find this guy? I could easily email the company with a picture of him. Then I could move to Cancun and have his children! Easy! Done and done! All I need is the picture that Amy's mom took at that lunch that the whole staff was in on or the picture that Amy's sister took of the guy actually on me. Either one would work!
But now I'm thinking that it may be one of the stupidest things I have ever come up with. Why would this guy be interested in some girl who came to lunch where he works? Plenty of beautiful women probably go in there every day. It's Cancun! Headquarters of horny college students on spring break! What makes me so special? Nothing!
Maybe I should just go back to living my dull life and deal with it. I have a great job, great friends, a great family...what more could I ask for? I guess I need to seriously think about this before I actually go through with it.
Continuing on in the rest of 2007, my year ended in Wendover with Heather, Kris, Falisha, and some guy named "Tony". His real name escapes me. We celebrated the New Year in the Nugget with a live band and the ball dropping in Times Square in New York City. It was a great end to a great year!

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