The worst part about dating is playing the stupid games. Hard-To-Get seems to be the most popular. Why can't we just come out and say, "Hey, I like you"? Why does everything have to be so difficult? First of all, the games are a waste of time, and you're only playing this "hard-to-get" because you're trying to show the other person that you actually have a life and don't sit around waiting for them to call you. Let's get real here. You don't have anything better to do and you are sitting by the phone waiting. Whatever happened to communication? I hate when people put on a stupid front. Why can't we just be ourselves and openly admit that we don't have a life and don't ever make plans, so the week is wide open. Ok, I'll be the first to admit it. I don't have a life, I never make plans, and my week is wide open. There ya have it! If someone calls and says, "What are you doing tonight?" why would I say, "Oh, yeah, I'm busy, sorry!" when really I should be saying, "Absolutely nothing! Let's go out!" I'm not afraid to say this to anyone. Let's get out there, people! Show your soon-to-be lover that you really don't have a life, and when he/she really enters your life, you will be all theirs! Perfect!
On a side note, what does it mean when you're dating someone for three months, and then they all of a sudden start ignoring you and blowing you off? This is when communication comes into play. All you men, can you please just tell us what we did wrong, or at least a good reason as to why you're shutting us out? Don't make us confused and try to analyze everything, 'cause that's what we do, and it hurts. Don't give us excuses like, "I've been busy," or "I've been working a lot". By now, we know what you're schedule is like, and those are lies. Tell the truth. BE A MAN, for God's sake!
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