I enjoy driving places. It's one of the rare occasions that I'm really alone with my thoughts. So, on my way to work this morning I wondered,
why has the media portrayed how the world should be viewed?? Why has the media created the image of society?? Why can't we, as people, think for ourselves?? Can you honestly think of a time in your life where you haven't considered what people were thinking of you, or is this outfit "in style"? I know a lot of people who would say, "I don't care what people think." Well, I think that's a bunch of bullshit! In today's world, no one can step out the door without thinking about every little detail. When someone looks at you, you care what they are thinking, or else you wouldn't be human.

One of the biggest issues in America is obesity. What is considered "obese"? The American Heart Association claims that being just 30 pounds overweight (depending on height) is considered "obese". Now, I beg to differ. When I was a freshman in college, I was in the best shape of my life. I was playing softball, working out, and doing a high amount of cardio every day. My
Body Mass Index said I was "overweight" when really I just had a lot of muscle. And we all know that muscle weighs more than fat. I think to get closer with the BMI you have to have a fat test with the pinchers, and even that's not the most accurate way.
It's really too bad that we have to rely on fashion magazines to show us what is "acceptable". I know that this is a subject that has been mentioned many times, but it's something that I think about quite often. Hopefully this will all change in the future!
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