Wednesday, February 8, 2012

It's Not Me, It's You

I don't remember how I came across it, but I recently read an article in the New York Times on defriending.  There are a couple of people in my life (probably no one who actually reads this blog, thank God!) who have been making me feel like my life is less than what it should be.  Turns out, there are many others in the world who are going through the same thing.

One thing the article discussed was the difference between Facebook defriending and actual defriending.  On Facebook, it's easy to click the "Unfriend" button, but in my case, that doesn't exactly remove them from my life.

I have this one friend who I just can't say goodbye to, though it's important that I do.  My excuse?  I see this person at church every Sunday and her family is like my second family.  It's hard to just be an acquaintance of someone who I've known for 17 years.  In the last year alone, this friend has been letting me down in more ways than one, and it's sad to say that I see similar behavior in her parents, who I've come to trust as my own.

I have been hoping to flee the state with a new job for two years now, so I'm waiting for that opportunity to finally push me to say goodbye once and for all.  It is something that will be very difficult, but this person hasn't given me any reason to stick around, nor an apology for the things she's done in the past (which is much needed).  Without that, it's not worth it.

If you have some friends that have been holding you back somehow, then read this article!

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