Thursday, September 8, 2011

I Am Vegan

I absolutely love it when other's blogs inspire me. Today, I read Kiss Me, I'm Vegan! and the author decided to write her reasons for being vegan. She was inspired by This Vegan Life.

I decided to write the reasons for why I am vegan. So, without further adieu, here they are:

...because it breaks my heart to know that there are so many farm animals in the world being treated cruelly and inhumanely. I completely agree with what The Bible says on God putting animals on this earth for food. However, the people in Biblical times did not hold these animals hostage in small cages to fatten up, or cut of the beaks and feet of chickens so their only purpose is to lay eggs, or impregnate female cows so unnaturally frequent just to create milk. Humans used to work for their meat by hunting. Let's be honest, the human species has become a lazy one. What other species on earth keeps their food in cages?

...because I am living the healthiest lifestyle. I feel so healthy and have never felt so good about my body. Sure, I've lost weight, but the overall feeling of health is beyond the physical aspects. I haven't been sick since I started my vegan life, and since I've been taking my iron and multi-vitamin supplements, I have a ton of energy. In fact, I have so much energy that I have been pushing myself so hard out on the trails. I'm sprinting up mountains! It's the best feeling I've had in years!

...because I'm avoiding all of those deadly diseases. Did you know that when you're a carnivore, your intestines are lined with animal fat? That doesn't just go away with a quick detox. I am avoiding several kinds of cancer just from that area of my body. I'm also avoiding heart disease, diabetes, and so many other harmful things.

...because I have amazing bowl movements! This is something most people won't discuss, but leave it to me! Thanks to my BFF and college roomie, I have no problem whatsoever discussing my bowl movements. I'm proud to say that I have the softest stool in the world...and it's regular!

...because I've never tasted such delicious and flavorful foods in my life! Before I went vegan, I had never heard of quinoa and millet, or umeboshi plums and daikon. I am eating so many vegetables each day that in my six months of being vegan, I'm pretty sure I've passed myself up on the veggies I ate throughout my entire life. I'm eating whole grains and natural foods, and they all taste amazing!

There are so many other reasons to go vegan, even if it's just to lose a few pounds. But be prepared to change emotionally. I didn't feel this way about farm animals when I first started. Now, it's my reason for staying vegan, and it's an incredible feeling!

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