Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Letters to the Editor

My mom was reading the Letters to the Editor section of The Park Record last week. She came across a really cool letter about the Olympics and of course the medalists, but the awesome part was the recognition the staff received. Here it is:

USSA is committed to excellence


Over the last few week I've watched as the U.S. Olympic team has proved they are one of the best in the world. I've watched as many athletes have taken their place on the podium. While it is the athlete who stands there and receives the well-deserved medal, it is really the efforts and commitment of all of the athletes, coaches, directors, staff members and volunteers that make it all possible. The staff of USSA, U.S. Ski Team have taken pay cuts; they often have to travel and work away from home and family for many days at a time. These individuals are our neighbors and friends. They are committed to excellence and the results are clearly visible. If this were the Super Bowl and the home team won, there would be a parade and celebration. Park City is home for the U.S. Ski and Snowboard team. I wonder how we show are appreciation for the efforts of this great team. Tonight on my way home I think I may just take and put a U.S. flag there along the entrance to the Center for Excellence, my small way to say thanks to all of the individuals who have worked and given so much to bring this great success home to the United States, Utah, and Park City.

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