Monday, December 28, 2009

2009: Year in Review

2009 was a great year!! I worked hard in a new position at work, went on a ski trip to Big Sky, Montana in February, visited my big brother in New York in May, took a trip to Wisconsin in September to visit family, and was in my best friend's wedding up in Idaho in October.

My brother came home for the 4th of July and Christmas this year, some family friends came to visit throughout the year, and we celebrated my dad's 60th birthday in February with a huge party at my parent's house.

A couple of babies were born this year. Ella Rose was born to Carly and Joel in February. Olivia Diane was born to Emily and Michael in November.

I turned 25 years old this year. I now can rent vehicles with no additional fees, and I'm hoping my car insurance will go down (fingers crossed!!). The down side? The infamous quarter-life crisis has begun.

Overall, a pretty great year! I am hoping for one big change this year that will change everything in my life. This could be something that is announced in March or April, but possibly later. I'll keep you posted!

Cheers to a new year!


Unknown said...

sounds like you had a great year... although I think that you need to come to Boise soon and meet your niece. definately should be on your to do list for the BEGINNING of 2010!! :) Hope you had a merry christmas!

Chelsea said...

Meeting my niece is definitely on my to do list for this winter! I CAN'T WAIT!!