Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I have decided that my lack of political knowledge is getting the best of me, whether it's through day-to-day conversation, or just knowing what's going on in my country. I want to be more involved and have a better understanding of the issues that are important to my everyday life. I may need to buy "Politics for Dummies" at the bookstore!

I just made this decision yesterday, so all day today, I have been catching up on my articles through CNN, The Washington Post, and even watching a few videos. Right now, the big issue is health care and what Obama's plan is to help the single mothers, the unemployed, etc. who don't have health insurance.

Recently, I had my annual medical exam and the whole insurance process has been ridiculous! I went to the doctor on May 6 and my insurance still has not figured everything out. Of course, I blame it mostly on the U of U Clinic that I went to. For 3 months, my insurance company had no record of the clinic ever sending in any of the claims. What a joke! I have been on the phone with them at least 5 times in the last month and I just received my bill yesterday saying that I owe nothing. Thank God!'s only half of the bill. There's still another $125 on my account, waiting for a payment from me, which they will never receive.

To sum this up, I'd like to have the understanding of what is going on in America today and be able to converse with others about certain issues that are affecting people's lives. If anyone has any links, I'd appreciate any literature!

1 comment:

Niccolo said...

Hey Chelsea!

Here are the pages I usually go to for politics and news: -- this is centered more on the politics behind the current events, rather than the current events themselves. or for the news. I know everyone whines that Ny Times and CNN are liberal biased, but they do offer the most substantive news coverage. -- the best analysis and in-depth look at the news. Much better than Time mag.

Hope that helps!! Keep up the blog, I love reading it!