- Ground Zero
- Staten Island Ferry
- Financial District
- Brooklyn Bridge
- Washington Square Park
- McSorley's, the oldest bar in NYC
- Sushi
- Hit the bars

Saturday was an intersting day. Half of the morning was spent looking for a medical boot because my stress fracture from college softball decided to come back. My foot was cramping up and it was very painful to walk. We went over to the Intrepid (it was Fleet Week!!) and checked out all the ships that had come in a few days earlier. Then we headed to Central Park, 5th Avenue, then went to dinner and hit the bars. We went to this bar called Woody McHale's, where Woody McHale himself came and talked to us for an hour or more. We drank $10 bucket o' Yuenglings and were out until about 4:30am. Matt's best friend, Whitney, came down from Boston.
Sunday, Whitney was kind enough to drive us up to the Bronx so we could have lunch in Little Italy. What a cool area! Little Italy in the Bronx is not well known to tourists, so it was very quiet. The food was amazing, and I'm pretty sure we saw the mafia at a little Italian cafe having their daily meeting on the patio. Everyone spoke Italian, which made it feel like a completely different country.
Then we headed to Harlem and walked around a bit. We went to the Columbia campus then drove up Park Avenue. We drove all the way to the West Village to find where Ms. Carrie Bradshaw lives. By the end of the day, I was exhausted. We went back home to take a nap, then we headed back into Manhattan for dinner and bar hopping. By this time, I wasn't feeling very well, which is upsetting because we went to a really cool bar called the Belgium Beer Garden. I was feeling pretty sick, so we made it an early night and headed home.

My last day in New York, we went to Grand Central Station and my favorite place so far, D.U.M.B.O. (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass). I have seen so many tv shows and movies that have been filmed here. It's a really cool place to go and you can see the entire skyline.
We headed to the airport and I flew back to Utah. I always hate coming home to Utah after being in such a diverse area. And New York is probably the most diverse city in the country. What an incredible city!